When you’re preparing to retire you may not have a firm grasp on the different ways to claim Social Security. In fact, Social Security Optimization is something our clients most value about our Financial

Planning approach. It is extremely important to make the right decision about when and how you file; this helps to mitigate the risks associated with longevity and inflation.

Depending on your financial situation as a family unit, the strategies to optimize your benefit amounts vary. We help you:

  • Understand how Social Security benefits are calculated
  • Identify the opportune time to file for both spouses.
  • Show the change to your cash flow in your projected retirement income sources. This is a very different perspective than you’ll get by looking at your Social Security statement (or) by visiting the local Social Security Administration office.
  • Gain clarity on how spousal benefits work (especially if you are divorced or widowed). This is an area where we see people lose out on benefits when not planned for holistically.

Without a doubt, when you claim can have a major impact on financial success in retirement. Recently, 77% of workers surveyed by the Employee Benefit Research Institute * indicated they will rely on Social Security as a source of retirement income.  No wonder our Clients value that we help them explore strategies to optimize Social security in a holistic fashion!

If you’re approaching retirement in the next 5 years or so, it’s time to start talking about this with us. We’re here to help!

*Social Security Administration, Basic Facts, April 2014